“Noelene loves to link her everyday experiences with the words of Scripture. By doing this she encourages us to meet God in all the experiences and encounters of our lives. Because we suffer from unhelpful tendencies to separate our faith and our lives, to compartmentalize our Christianity, this encouragement can serve us well. She really wants God to be God of our whole lives.”

Trevor Hudson Minister, Author and International Speaker, Johannesburg, South Africa

40 DAYS — Time with God – Dealing With Loss and Grief 

“This devotional is for everyone because, as the saying goes, ‘everyone smiles in the  same language, and everyone grieves in the same language.’ Grief is grief whether you  grieve in English or Swahili or Japanese. The devotionals contained in this book are as  real as we can get.”  

40 Days – Time with God (Dealing with Loss and Grief) is a devotional book for those  in the ministry, those who have lost loved ones, or who work with the dying and their  loved ones. It is a compilation of words, thoughts, and insights from sixteen separate  contributors who have seen and felt the impact of loss both personally and in their  respective fields. 

Shortly after work on this book began, co-author Pat Baxter was diagnosed with  advanced pancreatic cancer. She went to be with the Lord less than two months after  receiving the diagnosis.







40 DAYS — Time with God 

Biblically speaking, the number 40 holds huge significance. During the time of Noah, it rained for 40 days and 40 nights (Genesis 7:12).

The Israelites wandered in the wilderness for 40 years (Joshua 5:6).

Jesus spent 40 days and 40 nights fasting in the desert being tempted by Satan (Matthew 4:2).

It was after this period that He began His ministry on earth.
Jesus remained on earth for 40 days after His resurrection (Acts1:3).

It is also interesting to note, during this surreal time in our world’s history because of Covid-19 and people having to quarantine worldwide, that the word ‘Quarantine’ stems from a Venetian dialect of the Italian ‘quaranta giorni’ which means 40 days.

To quarantine is the practice of isolation to prevent the spread of an epidemic disease, and was first mentioned during the Black Death (the devastating global epidemic of bubonic plague that struck the world in the mid-1300s). 40 days was the period that ships had to isolate offshore before passengers and crew could go ashore. This book was written prayerfully, with hope. The title ‘40 Days – Time with God’ was chosen with care.

‘40 Days – Time with God’ can be used in many ways: for example, during the 40-day preparation for Easter, or, whenever Christians want to take stock of themselves and be encouraged, or, as content for fellowship/study groups. It can also be used to establish and/or continue times together as a family.


All God’s Stones Volume One

In Deuteronomy 30:16 God says to us “For I command you today to love the Lord your God, to walk in His ways, and to keep His commands”. The Bible is as relevant today as it was when it was first written.

All God’s Stones reveals to us how we can use and apply Scripture in our everyday lives. By recounting real life stories and incidents that occur every day it reveals to us just how much we are loved by God and highlights the fact that God is concerned about the smallest details of our lives.

We need to know the Scriptures in order to grow in our relationship with God.

All God’s Stones is a two month study guide consisting of eight chapters. Each chapter ends with a reflection, an exercise to complete, a verse to reflect on and a prayer.

It can be used by Churches, Bible Study Groups, Home Groups, Youth Groups and individuals.


God’s Promise for Families

Noelene’s passion in life is for couples, not just to stay married, but to be happily married. In her book “God’s Promise for Families” she addresses some of the issues divorce raises in families and gives practical advice on how to raise children with a sense of their own value and worth and how to teach them that God loves them and rejoices over them. She also writes about God’s redeeming love and His ability to restore people and relationships.

“When I question how my children might turn out based on my imperfect parenting, I remember that God – even though He is the perfect Father – had children (Adam and Eve) who made poor choices. It is during such times that we must learn to remain calm and quietly talk to God about it before we react.” – Noelene Curry


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