Author, Speaker, Blogger.

“May the words of my mouth and the meditations of my heart be pleasing in your sight, O Lord, my Rock and my Redeemer”  – Psalm 19:14


My life and marriage are a testimony to God’s immense grace and love.

I was born on a Leprosy mission station in Nigeria to missionary parents. My parents got divorced when I was twelve years old and I turned my back on God from that time on until I reached my mid-twenties.


40 DAYS — Time with God

Dealing With Loss and Grief

“This devotional is for everyone because, as the saying goes, ‘everyone smiles in the  same language, and everyone grieves in the same language.’ Grief is grief whether you  grieve in English or Swahili or Japanese. The devotionals contained in this book are as  real as we can get.”  

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40 DAYS — Time with God

This book was written prayerfully, with hope. The title ‘40 Days – Time with God’ was chosen with care. ‘40 Days – Time with God’ can be used in many ways: for example, during the 40-day preparation for Easter, or, whenever Christians want to take stock
of themselves and be encouraged, or, as content for fellowship/study groups.

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All God’s Stones Volume One

All God’s Stones reveals to us how we can use and apply Scripture in our everyday lives. By recounting real life stories and incidents that occur every day it reveals to us just how much we are loved by God and highlights the fact that God is concerned about the smallest details of our lives.

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God’s Promise for Families

Noelene’s passion in life is for couples, not just to stay married, but to be happily married. In her book “God’s Promise for Families” she addresses some of the issues divorce raises in families and gives practical advice on how to raise children with a sense of their own value and worth and how to teach them that God loves them and rejoices over them. She also writes about God’s redeeming love and His ability to restore people and relationships.

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  • “I was recently gifted with the book, 40 Days - Time with God (Dealing with Loss and Grief) by my sister in Christ, Noelene, one of the authors. As I was reading this book, I remembered the loss and grief I felt when my parents and 2 of my brothers passed away. I never understood the whys, but this book of devotions gave me peace of mind. I fully understand now that it was their time and God’s will for them. This book gives me hope and a longing to be with God, and not fear death and to know that there is life after death. The book was comforting as it goes through the stages of loss and grieving and how it forever changes us. When we are grieving, sometimes the only companion is a book. Noelene took us through specific losses and incidences and how the left loved ones endured stages of grief. I understand now that there is no better or worse death. Loss is loss and the grief that follows is a pain only we will know. Thank you, Noelene, and all who contributed to this book for sharing the loss and grief of others and especially the word of God with us. May many more books of comfort, righteousness and love for God come from your pen.”
    Olive F Thomas
  • “The devotionals contained in this book are as real as we can get. They bring out these truths: That you are never ready for the death of someone; that you are never prepared enough for major life losses. When they happen, they hit you hard whether they happened suddenly or gradually. That spiritual people grieve too. Even biblical heroes and prophets who were close to God and were custodians of God’s word grieved. That strong and mature faith is faith that is real before God and being real includes admitting the pain and acknowledging the loss. That grieving time and type and stages are different for different people; they all depend on a number of factors which are different for each person. The devotionals in this book also bring out another important truth – the truth that there is hope during and after grief: That after facing death and loss in the eye, one also faces hope and reliance on God. That there is a future after grieving. That we are not alone, and we should not walk alone in times of grieving. That after we are wounded by loss and grief, we can become wounded healers for others going through grief.”
    Rt Rev Lydia Neshangwe
  • Death is part and parcel of life. It is no respecter of persons. Sooner or later it comes to us all. Bereavement is the experience and process of dealing with the loss of a loved one or friend, or indeed coming to terms with one's own dying. We all grieve differently. Whether or not we are people of faith in God, the pain and loss are very real. Noelene Curry and her friend Pat Baxter ( who died prior to the publication of this book), invited a group of friends to join them in writing short devotionals on Dealing with Loss and Grief. The writers come from a wide range of different backgrounds, ages, countries and cultures and from different walks of life. They all have two things in common. They all experienced the death of someone they loved. Despite the acknowledged pain and loss, they found healing, comfort and hope in God. They bring out the wonderful truth that " The LORD is near to the brokenhearted and saves those who are crushed in spirit" (Psalm 34:18). Or as Paul wrote, "We do not grieve as others do who have no hope " (1 Thessalonians 4: 13). The Death and Resurrection of Jesus have taken the sting out of death and robbed it of its victory. I highly recommend this devotional to anyone who is grieving or wanting to help others who are experiencing deep loss.  It can be read at one sitting. Better still, return to it again and again in your hour of need.
    Bill Webster, Retired Minister of the Gospel
  • 40 DAYS — Time with God’ is more than just a book of devotions, it is living proof of the fact that if we pay attention God speaks to and through us today as God is speaking through these faithful writers, Pat, Noelene and colleagues.”
    Rev. Lydia Neshangwe
    Moderator, Council for World Mission
  • In God's Promise for Families, author Noelene Curry gives practical advice on how to raise children with a deep sense of their own value and worth. She explains how to teach them that God loves them and rejoices over them. This wonderful and helpful book gives biblical ways to discipline and pray for your children as they seek God's presence in their own lives.
    Deep River Books
    Sisters, Oregon, United States

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